viernes, 18 de abril de 2014

The Walking Dead Episode 5 Ironman70.3 Puerto Rico

El 15 de enero me encontraba en la oficina del Dr. Angel Perez Toro casi sin poder caminar por un fuerte dolor en la tibia que salió de la nada. Luego de revisarme y debatirnos entre un diagnostico de “shin splints” vs stress fracture las directrices fueron claras: Emma; Un mes sin correr! Para cualquiera esto pudiera representar la excusa perfecta para descansar o enfocarse en otra cosa. Para mí que derivo en la actividad física mi pasatiempo principal, mi escapatoria, mi espacio para reflexión, donde comparto, donde me expreso, un espacio para crear, para distracción y disposición del ocio esto significaba malas noticias. La misión era clara. Tenía 88 días para prepararme para el 70.3 de San Juan y a esos 88 debería restarle 28 en los cuales no podría correr. Un tanto desmotivado por la situación decidí mantenerme en el momento y enfocarme en las cosas que podía hacer. NADAR MUCHO! Y rodar esporádicamente ya que el dolor se me reflejaba bastante al terminar de pedalear. Una de mis filosofías como atleta y “entrenador” es que la consistencia es la clave en los eventos de endurance. Entrenar TODOS los días aunque fuera por 30min es mi dieta preferida y la que receto a todo el que me pregunta. Me puse como meta no fallar un día de training hasta el 13 de abril del 2014 y lo logré al completar 87 días consecutivos de entrenamiento dejando solo un día de descanso antes del evento como parte del tapering. Just for the record mi nadada mas larga en preparación para esta carrera fueron 3500mts, mi bike 105km y la pedestre en 10.5 millas 2 semanas antes del evento. En la bike todas las rides fueron lentas-lentísimas pero con muy poco drafting. Recuerden uno de los principios fundamentales del entrenamiento es la ESPECIFIDAD y los eventos de Ironman son Non Drafting o por lo menos eso deberían ser. En la pedestre nada fuera de la zona 2 cardiaca. Volvemos a la especificad. En un evento de esta duración usted correrá a un porciento lejos de su capacidad en una carrera aislada individual. Por tanto mas allá de algunos estímulos variados el resto del running debe ser de baja intensidad todo dependiendo de cuan consistente usted pueda ser con sus sesiones semanales. Con estos datos sólo intento reiterar que los NUMEROS no representan NADA si no van acompañados de una REPETICION constante. Jugar al super héroe un mes antes del evento y postear unos números magistrales de entrenamiento solamente te aseguraran llegar al evento desgastado y tener muchos likes en facebook.
NATACION: En el agua es donde puedo crear alguna diferencia del resto de los mortales dentro de los triatlones. Principalmente porque según me dicen, tengo una técnica decente y entiendo lo que tiene que suceder al nadar. En San Juan 70.3 no fue la excepción logrando salir 14/80 en mi grupo por edad. En el entrenamiento para este evento ya que me encontraba atrás en la preparación pedestre decidí abandonar un poco el training del agua y enfocarme en las otras 2 aéreas. Aposté por 3 sesiones semanales y me prometí a mi mismo que no nadaría menos de 3000mts confiando en mi técnica y buena toma de decisiones estratégicas. Sin duda las sensaciones empezaron a faltar y la comodidad en el agua nunca llegó, pero seguía esperanzado en que después del taper recuperaría algo de eso y el draft de los demás nadadores me ayudaría a avanzar más ligero. Según algunos sets en semanas anteriores pronosticaba nadar entre 32-33 min teniendo el 34 como un dia off. Termine con 35.05 promediando 1.49/100 y aquí es donde cometí el primer error técnico de la carrera. Comencé la natación a la parte atrás del grupo aun cuando sabía que nadaría mejor que muchos. Demasiado tráfico inicialmente y una duda en mi mismo me retuvieron en un paso cómodo y constante. Luego del viraje los gorros de color naranja fluorescente desaparecieron y enseguida identifiquá mi error. El grupo de mejores nadadores se me habían adelantado y yo había dropeado unas 70 personas, me encontraba en NO MANS LAND un lugar donde usted no quiere ir durante un evento de larga distancia. Después de 800mts pasándoles a personas de otras categorías ahí estaba, Swim done en 35.05.
Salí del agua esperanzado en ver un 33min pero 2do error técnico del dia: SE ME AHOGO EL RELOJ y no tenía idea de que había pasado. Borrón y cuenta nueva, transición #1 bastante rápida y eficiente y para la bike. El único problema era que mi plan de carrera incluía el uso del heart monitor en la bike para ahorrar todas las energías posibles conociendo de la dureza del run course y cuanto significaba esto para una carrera decente. Ni modo, sin heart rate y sin reloj en la bike confiando únicamente en la percepción y en mis conocimientos y experiencia. Tengo que poner esto en mayúsculas: si usted quiere tener una buena carrera en el 70.3-140.6 TIENE QUE PACEAR LA BIKE,ADMINISTRARSE, GUARDARSE, etc,etc,. No hay otra forma de correr bien bajado de la bicicleta que no sea una ejecutada dentro de sus capacidades y acompañada de un buen plan de nutrición. Dicho esto mi meta era mikear la primera 1.5hrs de la bike y de ahí en adelante hacer inventario y proceder acorde. Luego de muchas horas de análisis entendía que el primer segmento de la bike en san juan es uno relativamente rápido y donde las personas cometen el error de irse a martillar sin saber que de regreso el viento les hará pagar el precio 2 veces más caro. Una porque irán mas lento con mas esfuerzo y 2 porque estarán más cansados para el segmente final en bici que según mi estudio era otro bastante rápido que se podía aprovechar para mejorar el promedio del parcial total de bike. Primera hora muy tranquila, cambios sumamente livianos 53/19 donde fácil se podía empujar un 16 y logrando poner mi EGO bajo control al ver que me pasaban todo tipo de cosas. Mujeres, coches, triciclos, motoras, patinetas, bicis de $10,000 , ancianos, tractores ETC. Mi motto era: EMMA, ESOS VAN A CAMINAR CON COJONES HORITA.
En el entrenamiento de bike sin duda fue donde tuve las peores sensaciones del año. Descubrí lo que se siente la miseria y un dolor increíble en el Q. Nunca promedie más de 18mph! Todos mis intervalos fueron en el trainer y la mayoría de las rides en la bici de ruta. Yo confiaba en mi equipo que incluye una bike de ALUMINIO (creo que era la única en el evento) y unos aritos 43mm. Sé que tengo una buena posición aero y que puedo permanecer en la misma por 95% del tiempo que al final es lo que cuenta y lo que te hace rápido. Llevo 4 años en la misma posición, Don’t fix it if it aint broken. Todo esto en perspectiva pronosticaba 2hrs48min como algo realizable pero al final del día las condiciones dictaron otra velocidad 2hrs53min y como siempre digo usted controla las variables de intensidad por el ESFUERZO no por las velocidades ya que las mismas no son FACTORES lineales y cambian según las condiciones del evento. Usted puede rodar un día 2hrs30 con 200watts y 145bpm y otro día 2hrs35min con el mismo esfuerzo, simplemente cambiaron las condiciones. En bici se presenta el escenario ideal para comer o ingerir calorías. Como saben luego de 2hrs de entrenamiento el cuerpo ha consumido las reservas de glucógeno en los músculos y debemos empezar a reponer en carbohidratos y electrolitos. Mi receta son 300cal por hora, Usted debe hacer su asignación y crear un plan acorde con sus gustos y necesidades ya sean líquidos, geles o sólidos y probarlos en entrenamientos con anterioridad. Esto puede ser tan simple como gatorade + guineo + galletas de higo.
Mi estrategia para la parte pedestre era simple; NO CAMINAR. Al bajarme de la bicicleta es un momento crucial dentro de mis carreras de larga distancia. Si los hamstrings están trincos o acalambrados pues el pacing no fue el mejor en la bike y estoy en problemas. El domingo el hamstring derecho me dio un jaloncito y enseguida pensé: ESTO SE JO*%$!. Son 21km en calor y con cuestas y para lograr completarlos debes estar en ok shape al terminar la bici. Decidí estirarme y ponerme los tenis a ver qué pasaba. Al planear la carrera llegué a la conclusión de que mi paso de carrera seria 9.30/milla con la instrucción principal de correr las primeras 3 millas a un paso más controlado de 10/milla según mi frecuencia cardiaca de 154bpm aprox para estabilizarme. Ya que mi reloj se había ahogado en la nadada no quedo más que improvisar y una vez más usar mi percepción. ERROR!!! cuando la primera milla la paso en 8:53 incluyendo las 2 cuestas luego de T2. Hice todo lo posible por estabilizarme pero aun así las primeras 3 millas fueron en 9 flat o casi 1 min por milla más rápido que lo establecido. Señores en los eventos de larga distancia no se “BANKEA” tiempo. Si estas MUY por debajo de tu paso optimo en la mitad de la carrera, estas en graves problemas y pagarás por esto luego. Me sentí bastante bien en esa primera vuelta y pensé que podía tener un buen día y terminar con un parcial por debajo de 2hrs 10min que era mi meta. Y entonces llegó la milla 7 y se apagaron las luces. Mis pantorrillas y espinillas se fueron en huelga de calambres haciendo casi imposible caminar mucho menos correr. Llegando al turn around de la primera vuelta paré a estirar pero todo fue en vano. Aquí fue el primer momento en la carrera donde paso por mi mente que no podría terminar, me faltaban 6 millas y el calor y la fatiga seguían aumentando. En fin caminé por 2 millas más hasta que de momento pasó la crisis y una vez estaba trotando a paso de 9.30/mi!!! Un dato que todavía para mi resulta increíble es mi parcial de la milla 10 en 9:40 WTF? Como saben los calambre son algo que unas vez comienzan no van a parar hasta que descontinúes la actividad física. Entre caminar y trotar (bastante fuerte) ahí estaba la meta con un parcial de 2hrs 17min, 7 min por encima de lo que pensaba podía correr.
Mi tiempo final fue de 5hrs 53 min y en principio muy desilusionado con el tiempo pero ahora miro atrás y estoy 100% seguro que dí lo mejor de mí y que hice una carrera inteligente dentro mis capacidades. No soy un atleta natural, de hecho estoy 100% seguro que tengo muy poco talento así que todo lo que logro es a base de trabajo y sacrificios. Todavía queda mucho espacio para mejorar y solo yo decidiré cual es el límite. Como dije antes saludos a todos aquellos que abusan de su habilidad natural y matan la liga! Yo no soy uno de ustedes, mis respetos… La Maravilla….

viernes, 20 de enero de 2012


As I go back to my blog stats I realize I got 5.198 page views all time.  I am really grateful for all of you who took a minute to check out my training and thoughts on the triathlon world.  It’s almost 4 months since I competed or trained for triathlons.  My personal situation combined with some external factors have dictated a hiatus for me at the moment.  Tris are not free and I just cannot keep on with the pace anymore.  This last trip to Augusta was really tough financially and mentally. 

Even though triathlon is an individual sport part of its joy relies on meeting new people and having some kind of PARTNER around to share the experience. I NEVER had that and that’s probably the main reason why I ‘m not doing it anymore.  Putting in the effort day and day out requires a level of motivation very hard to have on your own.  For the last couple of years I did every single swim, ride or run on my fucking self. 

It’s been also 4 months since I talk to who was my best friend for the last 4 years.  At least with him I could sometimes chat about tri stuff and get some motivation.  Problem is I needed a REAL friend, someone to be there ALWAYS, not just when he gets a PB at a event and needed someone to share and brag about it, or when his girlfriend was not around or even better when he just moved to a new country and had nobody to talk to during lunch while he eat sandwiches and soup.  I wanted to be a special friend and give my fucking all for the friendship but dude was just so superficial  could not possibly understand how much of a mental load I have on a day to day basics and what he represented.

If you still out there doing tris I strongly recommend you made the effort of keeping at it, such a rewarding journey one you cross that fucking finish line.  Relating with LOTS of strangers and having teammates is very granting.  I can say I have barely talk to anyone in the triathlon world since I drop out and that’s fucking sad.  With my local and biggest event the San Juan coming up I know I will be very sad that Sunday of march.  I thought about volunteering but it will just be too hard on my damn self.  If I make it to cheering it would be a victory and a personal best.

Thanks again for reading any of my post, you deserve a medal.

Happy training, Be safe.


domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

Augusta Ironman 70.3 Race Report


As as I sit on this AirTran flight to San Juan I will try to bring back to fresh memory what happened 3 days ago at the Augusta 70.3 ironman race. It was a great day for me that started way before I landed in Atlanta.  I felt lucky that my bike was flying for only $79, it was a welcome surprise after last year’s $300 round-trip rip off on American airlines. 


I arrived in Augusta at 6pm on Friday, very tired from the trip but mostly just from dragging my bike case around the airport. If you’ve been to Hartsfield Jackson international you know what kind of a monster it is.  After some grocery shopping and putting my bike together I went to bed expecting to be feeling good by Saturday morning.

On that day I just wake up feeling kind of beat up with sore shoulders, had breakfast and went straight to the Marriott hotel downtown for athlete checking and registration as well as a short tune up workout.  Every thing went VERY smoothly from finding parking to checking in, even doing some shopping at the ironman store was hassle free. I made a good move by going in early as I only stand in line for 45mins approx. before registration.


After that It was time for swim course inspection and wetsuit testing. I got on that thing meet some nice dudes from Florida and dip into the 74degree water with them. The place was beautiful and current; well it was even more so. Going down that thing you felt effortless as if you were Michael Phelps. Now when the time to swim back came OHH OHH swimming against that thing really took some effort probably twice the time as the way out. In the end it was probably close to a 15min splash.


Wetsuit off in a minute and off the street for 10min of running at moderate pace, boy did I felt great running there! Only thing concerning me then was the temperature. I came to Augusta dreaming of 70degree weather and all I had while running was 90degrees and I was drenched in sweat. From that point I was just hoping that I had stayed hydrated and ready for some heat. Bike testing protocol was completed and dropping off the bike at transition was a Breeze. All that was left of day 2 were a shower, a visit to olive garden (I don’t think I’ve ever eat that much a day before an event, I am talking, lasagna, spaghetti and meatballs plus chicken parmesan all at the same time)-setting up bottles and equipment and a bed crash.

I beat my 4.30wake up alarm by about 10mins, had my usual breakfast of champions, 2 very pleasant bathroom stops and headed downtown. Here is where I was a little bit confused. I didn’t knew where to park, all streets were closed, it was dark and I was disoriented.  After some foolish standing around I finally found someone walking my way and ended up having a nice chat with him during our LONGGGGGGG walk to transition. I had parked by the finish line apparently.



Upon entering transition and getting body marked I was standing face to face with Heather Jackson,one of the athletes that I follow and part of Wattie Ink. A sports management corp with athletes like Joe Gambles and Ben Hoffman on their roster. Had a long chat with heather and wattie as they were interested in SAN Juan 70.3 course and travel info and I delivered.  I then wished good luck to her (she ended up 3rd) and proceed to setup my transition area which was a walk in the park and didn’t took longer than 10-15min. Out the door, in to the trolley back to swim start and chillaxing time until 7.48am.

While waiting for my wave I had a nice chance to see how PRO’s prepared for their events. I was standing next to them and they did a LOT of stretching before getting into their wetsuit in about 2 min. It took like 8 minutes for me to get into that thing but it was comfortable. Last minute port a potty stop, morning bag drop off , hammer gel 10min away from start and before I know it I was on the water and getting the final countdown.

I made a pre race plan on placing myself to the right of the field at the start. I know from training that I tend to drift towards the left side when swimming and my navigation skills well; are not top notch.  Next thing you know I was Wayyyyy to the left at the middle part of the swim. I tried looking for a steady set of feet to fallow but they were all to my right (were I was supposed to be). I was staying very easy to this point but even though I had clear water for myself I knew that getting some extra draft would be beneficial at the end of the day. Finally tired from been by myself I made the cross move to the right and swam with a group for a couple of meters. Next thing you know  I was alone, AGAIN! good thing I was now just 50meters for the swim easy. With a couple of punches and pushes as I approached the boat ramp I was out of the water in 26min and change. My expectations for the swim knowing that it was fast and wetsuit legal, were for a range of 26-28mins with a 25 been a stellar day. In the end I think my lack of navigational skills and zigzagging could pretty much ended been the 41 seconds to go sub 26, but it is what it is.


Into T1, no wetsuit strippers for me and I was out of that thing in an eye blink. Flying mount start and I was in aero position by mile 1. Head low and keeping the RPE very easy were my goal. It is difficult for us mortals to understand YOU HAVE TO PACE THE BIKE IN ORDER TO HAVE A GOOD RUN. Only strong-ubber-supper bikers can go very hard and feel normal after the bike. I learned this the hard way with both Miami and San Juan 70.3 ending with a death marsh of almost 3 hours.  Negative split for me was the key for the day even if I had to ride 17-18 mph in the first half. I decided to divide the race into 2 halves of 25 miles plus the last 6 miles. I would go very easy in the first 25 miles staying behind slower people if It was necessary .The first part of the race is very flat with almost no need to get out of aero position and I only find the wind to be slightly noticeable.( 1rst 25miles 1hr20min). After been passed a LOT in the first miles the last part of the course had a variety of false flats and rolling hills that makes getting into a rhythm kind of tricky. For this segment I knew I had to make a move in order to be under 3hrs for the bike and I did, while maintaining a stable HRT and feeling under control even though my quadriceps were starting to feel fatigue and some lactic acid accumulation was present. (2nd 25 miles 1hr 16min) After getting past mile 50 I was ready to get off the bike, I was stretching a lot but maintaining the hammer down to close out the bike segment in style. I have a 15.46 for my last 9.6km split on the bike which tells me I was moving along well. On this bike ride I had drink more than I’ve ever done for a half, I am talking a good 55onz of fluid replacement drinks and about 20 oz. of plain water mostly to wash my mouth after a gulp of EFS gel.  After 2hrs and 53 minutes I was done with my steed.



*Getting off the bike I was thinking only on one thing, Will I cramp? Had I drink enough and put enough sodium on me? As I put one feet out of the shoes and onto the ground next thing you know my hamstring was pinched. One good thing it wasn’t completely locked and I had a normal and speedy transition 2.  I had been trying to pee on myself for the last 40 miles of the bike so going into the port a potty at T2 was mandatory.  What I didn’t took into consideration was the fact that I was wearing a one piece suit which took some work to take off, almost a full minute.  Finally drained and happy I was out into the run.  Immediately into the run course I knew I could be going for a personal best, Why? see I was holding back and my hammies were cramping mildly but my HRT was dead stable at 172-175bpm (zone 2-3) which I had unable to control at any race. I started passing people and a guy next to me mentioned we were running 8.45’s Oops let’s put the brakes on. And so I did taking in gels and switching between coke, water and perform I continued to hold back during the first lap. my GOALs HERE WERE Mainly 2 a.negative split the thing and b.avoid walking. I am proud to say I was very closed to doing both almost perfectly. At the end of the first lap I knew I was running mid 9.30’s and feeling good. As I started the second lap the women were starting their run. I was surprise to see my pace consistently under 10min mile pace and felt happy that I wasn’t cramping that bad and forced to walk. From that point on my pace slowly got worst but I was fighting and still running-shuffling . I had made a plan to go all out in the last 2 miles if I was feeling good. I did indeed felt good but by that time my hamstrings were just shot, that is one thing I came away with from this race, I got to strengthened my hamstrings, core and shoulders. In the last 2 miles I had to take a couple of walk breaks until the last 1km or so when I just HTFU and ran until the finishing chute where I tried sprinting but it wasn’t happening, barely able to hobble across the line. I was done 5hrs 36min ARE U SERIOUS? A 37min personal best!!!

I feel like I came away learning a lot about myself, my body, how to race and what it takes for me to be race ready.  The work is not done yet, I have a large room for improvement. Technique and strength work will yield great results in both swim and run while going longer in the bike will take me to above average status. In the end I lived up to my own expectations, I HTFU , I proved myself I can do this. I beat my fear and do this solo. To all of those who supported, motivated and encouraged me Thank You, but a bigger THANK YOU goes to all those who doubted me,  who make me an underdog, who were not available to answer my questions to ride/swim or run with me, YOU MADE ALL THE DIFERENCE IN THE WORLD AND I HOPE TO CRUSH YOUR DREAMS ON MY NEXT RACE…



0041_20169 (1)


Morning breakfast: (total 550cal aprox)

I bagel 110cal

1 teaspoon peanut butter 100cal

2 apple sauce 200cal

20onz of powerade 150cal


Bike data from cateye:

Time 2.54.28


avg.30.9 km/hr

max spd 61.1khr

Race data from Polar watch

5hr 36min 48sec total

max hrt 184bpm

avg hrt 157bpm

Swim split 26.41

T1 4.57

bike 1rst 25miles 1hr 20min avg hrt 141

2nd 25miles split 1hr 16min avg hrt147

last 6 miles 15.46 avg hrt

T2 3.32

mile 1 8.56

mile2 9.32

mile3 8.45

mile4 10.09

mile5 10.07

mile 6 10.03

miles 7 9.47

mile 8 9.42

mile 9 10.15

mile 10 10.07

mile 11 10.19

mile 12 10.52

mile 13 + .1 =10.25

sábado, 1 de octubre de 2011

Weekly Brush-up 09/19/11–09/25/11

Swimming: 1hr 49min

Cycling: 4hrs 03min

Running: 3hrs 54min

Total:9hrs 47min

*Notes: This was the taper week for Augusta 70.3. I put in 4hrs of 18min prior to the competition. Short workouts with sprinkles of intensity and lost of prayer for everything to come out good. Race report to fallow.

Weekly Brush-up 09/12/11–09/18/11

Swimming: 3x (9100mts [3hrs 24min])

Cycling: 2x (3hrs 06min [86.5km])

Running: 4x (3hrs 13min [20 miles])

Total: 9hrs 43mins

*Notes: Final week of preparation before getting into taper mode. I still was reducing some volume looking for freshness and desire to crush some dreams come race time. I did a 10 mile long run and started rough but once I got into my groove I did a nasty negative split going under 9min for the last 3 miles which is way faster than I plan to run after the bike at Augusta. My long ride consistent of 2hrs just 56km but with the 2nd hour at a decent pace and then a 3 mile transition run which felt kind of rough but I hit my targeted pace of 9mins per mile. Swimming is very low impact so I just tried to keep consistent at 9k for the week, hitting 2x sessions over 3k and 1 recovery session on Friday , all of them had very good quality. Next stop is taper week and traveling to kill a race.

jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011

Weekly Brush-up 09/05/11 – 09/12/11

SWIMMING: 3hrs 27min [8850mts]

CYCLING: 4hrs 14min [122.1km]

RUNNING: 4hrs 25min [28 miles]

TOTALS: 12hrs 06min

*Notes: A little behind schedule with this one but I’ve been kind of out my mind lately with all the travel hassle and last minute changes. This was a good week overall. I make some changes and dropped a couple of double sessions in and effort to regain freshness for my last week of hard training. I was particularly happy with both my long 12miles run on Thursday and my long ride on Saturday. On both I was super consistent, improved as the workout got on and finished not feeling like I was going to die. I also had a decent tempo run on Sunday beating last week’s time for the same workout by about 40 seconds. Swimming just keep constant, nothing spectacular there although I think I lack the intensity. That intensity that got me swimming my faster last year by Miami 70.3. Now I have the volume lots lets just wait and see which one yields the better benefits. Going into my last weeks is just a matter of keeping some intensity, reduce some volume, avoid injuries and pump up for the race. I will create a new definition for HTFU after this trip, that’s for sure.

miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2011

Weekly Brush-up 08-29-11 / 09-04-11

Swimming: 3x [3hrs 46min (9.850mts)

Cycling: 4x [6hrs 31min (183.5km)

Running: 5x [5hrs 17min (30 miles)

Totals: 15hrs 34min

Notes: Well! BIGGEST overall week so far and quite possibly BIGGEST week of training EVER. Swimming back to normal 3 times a week all over 3k mts. Ride 4 times all quality and Ran over 30miles. I am 3 weeks away from my second A race of the season, Augusta 70.3 and I’m not sure what to expect. I don’t know if I am ready or not but I *think* I have done enough to finish this thing in good shape. Going over the strategy I just want to execute correctly every technical aspect of this race. Pacing, transition, nutrition, etc. I will TRY my hardest to do a negative split on both the bike and the run as I am sure this will yield positive results. This week I was able to do my 3hour ride and stay aero for much of it, only thing I have to tweak now is ADD some chamois cream and I can be aero all day. From now on I want to put special care and attention on my sleep as I feel I’ve been under sleeping a lot this last couple of months, 6-7hrs are not enough and they definitely show up during the day and workouts. I also want to take a couple of days off during the next 2 weeks to see if I can freshen up some before taper time which I plan to extend from 10-7 days. I am really happy for this week because it didn’t only had the overall volume and consistency over the three disciplines but it also had nice touches of quality, especially on the bike. Lets HTFU for 2 more week and wait for it all to pay off.